On Wednesday May 4, we’re doing a neighbourhood clean up around the church!
Come dressed for the weather (including rain jacket, warm shoes and socks, and a toque), as we’ll be outdoors!
On Wednesday May 4, we’re doing a neighbourhood clean up around the church!
Come dressed for the weather (including rain jacket, warm shoes and socks, and a toque), as we’ll be outdoors!
For 2022, dates by branch are as follows:
Adults: August 19-25th
Sparks and Brownies: Day event August 20th
Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers: August 21st-25th
This is an Area-wide camp, and the 9th Pathfinders will not be attending as a unit – girls register individually. If you are interested in attending Holidaze, please register directly with West Coast Area following the instructions and using the form on this web page. Holidaze always fills up quickly, so please register ASAP if you are interested in attending!
Campership subsidies and opportunities to use your cookie cash towards this fun week are available, so if you are interested in attending camp and would like more information about camperships and/or cookie cash, please submit your registration form ASAP (you pay after you’re accepted) and then speak to Karla or Christa for more information about available funding.
As a reminder, we also have a unit camp planned for the last weekend of June at Camp Kanaka in Maple Ridge, so this will not be your only opportunity to go camping this summer. 🙂
This week, we’re going glow bowling at Grandview Lanes!
Meet at the corner of 7th and Commercial, outside the bowling alley, at 6:15 pm. Bowling starts at 6:30 pm, so if you’re running late, please come into the bowling alley and meet us inside.
Please come in uniform. Also, we’ll be wearing bowling shoes, so please remember to wear socks!
Lastly, if you haven’t returned your forms and $5 for this event yet, not to worry – you can bring them with you to the bowling alley.
We’ll also have a couple of cases of cookies for anyone that would like an additional case to sell.
See you on Wednesday night!
Cookie selling at Joyce-Collingwood Station is postponed due to Guider unavailability. We will reschedule our cookie selling to an upcoming meeting in the near future.
Next week we are bowling at Grandview Lanes. Please email a Guider if you are planning to attend, but have not yet submitted your forms.
This week, we’re selling cookies at Joyce Skytrain Station.
We have a number of cases to sell to support unit fundraising goals, so please plan to attend from 5 – 7 pm. We’ll meet on the east side of Joyce Street, near the bike locker. Pick up will be from the same place at 5 pm.
If you’d like another case to sell on your own, please let Karla or Christa know and we’ll bring an extra case for you. Protip: funds you raise from selling a cookie on your own goes towards your own “cookie cash” – i.e. funds that you can use towards your own upcoming events, activities and adventures!
Lastly, don’t forget your forms and $5 payment (or use cookie cash!) for glow bowling at Grandview Lanes, which is next Wednesday April 27!
This week, we’re starting in on summer camp planning, as we’re heading to Camp Kanaka at the end of June! Bring your outdoor ideas, questions, and curiosities.
Also, we have more cookies to sell, so we’ll have a few cases to distribute if you’re able to sell another case on your own. Remember, all of the cases you sell contribute to your own cookie cash funds, which you can use to support upcoming events and activities!
Lastly, don’t forget to bring your forms and $5 (or use cookie cash!) for glow bowling at Grandview Lanes on April 27!
Unfortunately, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank had to reschedule our volunteering shift for this week, so we’re going to meet at the church for a games night and pizza party! Come hungry, and bring a card or board game that you’d like to play, if you’re up for it. We will also have some fun games that you can try, if you’re looking for something new to enjoy.
Also, remember, forms and $5 payment for the NiteHike, which is on Saturday April 9, are due on April 6. If you’re not able to come to the Food Bank but would like to come to NiteHike, please email the forms to Karla by 10 pm on Wednesday April 6, as we will be registering the group on Thursday morning. You’re welcome to use your cookie cash towards NiteHike. Speak with Christa if you have questions about cookie cash.
We’ve got an action packed meeting on March 30, and an action packed spring program season!
At tomorrow’s meeting, we’ll be doing a number of stations on outdoor skills in preparation for NiteHike, and upcoming outdoor adventures like camp in June! Yes, you heard it – we’re going to start in on camp planning for some early summer fun!
Please bring some items from your ten essentials to tomorrow’s meeting for our practice activities.
We’ll also be bringing cookies for everyone that hasn’t taken any home yet, plus a few extras if you’d like an extra case to sell.
Lastly, here are the forms for some upcoming awesome outings, including NiteHike on Saturday April 9, and Glow Bowling on Wednesday April 27. Please take a look at the event information, and bring the forms and payment back to an upcoming meeting!
From West Coast Area:
Do your like forest animals? Do you like working with Brownies? Do you need volunteer hours? Come out and help at our Forest Friends event. Can only volunteer for part of the day? No problem we have 3 different volunteer shifts. All volunteers will get a crest and snacks will be provided.
Date: Sunday, May 15th
Location: Confederation Park, North Burnaby
Time Options:
Online Volunteer Sign-up Form: https://forms.gle/T8q75YPgrX89EgQw8
This week, we’re doing a number of fun, interactive activities in honour and celebration of International Women’s Day! Meet at the church at 6:45 pm.
Also, cookies are getting delivered this weekend. We’d appreciate it if you could pick up your cookies on Sunday, as the leaders have limited storage space and lots of stairs. Pick up your cookies from the Commercial & Broadway Safeway parking lot (east end of the parking lot) from 11:00-11:30 am on Sunday March 13.