West Coast Area Summer Camp Opportunity: Holidaze at Camp Olave

Holidaze is the West Coast Area Girl Guides annual summer camp at Camp Olave in beautiful Sechelt, BC. The camp is open to Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, and adults, it’s guaranteed to be a week of fun, friendship, and adventure.

For 2022, dates by branch are as follows:
Adults: August 19-25th
Sparks and Brownies: Day event August 20th
Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers: August 21st-25th

This is an Area-wide camp, and the 9th Pathfinders will not be attending as a unit – girls register individually. If you are interested in attending Holidaze, please register directly with West Coast Area following the instructions and using the form on this web page. Holidaze always fills up quickly, so please register ASAP if you are interested in attending!

Campership subsidies and opportunities to use your cookie cash towards this fun week are available, so if you are interested in attending camp and would like more information about camperships and/or cookie cash, please submit your registration form ASAP (you pay after you’re accepted) and then speak to Karla or Christa for more information about available funding.

As a reminder, we also have a unit camp planned for the last weekend of June at Camp Kanaka in Maple Ridge, so this will not be your only opportunity to go camping this summer. 🙂