Anti-Racism and multicultural resources and assignment

Great meeting this week everyone! Here are a few of the links that we shared.

The library has been increasing the number of titles related to anti-Black racism, so there are many titles you can read (or listen to) right now. All you need is a library card and the free overdrive app:

If you don’t have a library card, here’s how to get one:

Here’s the link to the Hollaback Anti-Harassment training

Here’s Girl Guides of Canada’s statement on anti-Black racism

And if you curious how much the City of Vancouver spends on different programs and services, like libraries and police, here’s the link to the 2020 budget book (look on page 6 for the breakdown):

Last but not least, here are the instructions and questions that we would like you to complete before next week:

Upcoming summer meetings

Hi everyone,

We’ll be doing two meetings over the summer to help 3rd years finish up their Canada Cords but all girls are welcome. 7-8:30pm on July 22 and 29. We’ll meet over zoom using the same link as usual.

July 22: Multiculturalism, Anti-Racism, and Advocacy

What is multiculturalism? What does anti-racism mean? How do these two ideas show up in your life? We’ll talk about this and brainstorm some ideas for turning our concerns into advocacy.

Please read this article from Teen Vogue before we meet:

And this short story about Vancouverites Shirley and Mary Chan

July 29: Being Canadian and World Stage

We’ll talk about what being Canadian means for each of us and how Canada shows up on the World Stage. We’ll learn about some of the important cultural festivals in our city and talk about the UN Declaration on Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Here is the Zoom meeting information for both of those meetings:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 9356 3332
Passcode: [hint: it’s the same passcode as before!]

Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 895 9356 3332
Passcode: 4123690
Find your local number:

Host your own Climate Emergency Dialogue and earn 2 hours community service

The City of Vancouver wants to hear what youth think of the 19 proposed climate actions that the city is considering to tackle the climate emergency, while making our city more resilient and livable for generations to come.

Host your own Climate Emergency virtual dialogue using this online survey. All you need to do is meet your friends on your favourite video conferencing tool, share your screen and walk through the survey together.

High school students in Metro Vancouver who host a dialogue and submit the feedback can be formally recognized for 2-hours of community service.

Staff will use the feedback received to help shape the Climate Emergency Action Plan heading to Council in November 2020.

Deadline for feedback is May 24.

Tonight’s girl-led meeting is all about self care!

For tonight’s meeting you will need some paper, something to write with and a yoga move. If you have a printer, print out the attached bingo sheets. See you soon!

7:00-7:10:  Check in – How you are feeling/experiences with online school/work.

7:10-7:20:  Self-care Bingo

Area: being well

themes: being you, my physical self, and/or my mighty mind. 

7:20-7:50: Drawing collages – They can get a scrap piece of paper and draw a collage or picture of examples of a good way to start of their day.  Near the end we can share our drawings with the group.

Program Area = Be well

Theme = My physical self

Activity = Self care from the start

7:50-8:05: Letter to self/time capsule – We will write letters to our future selves to  say how we are feeling in these strange times and say anything positive that is going on because of this.  They can decorate the letters and set a date for them to open it in the future.

Program = Be well

Theme = My mighty mind

Activity = Mail me some positive

8:05-8:15: Yoga stretches to end the meeting and clear your mind/reflect – We will demonstrate yoga poses and everyone can follow along.

Program = Be well

Theme = My physical self

Activity = Stretching with isometrics


April 22 Meeting Supplies and Meeting Info

On April 22 we’ll be doing some ZOOM BAKING. Please try to get the following ingredients and equipment ready for the April 22 meeting.


  • 4 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp lightly packed brown sugar
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp milk (or almond/soy milk)
  • ½ tbsp vegetable oil (olive, canola, etc.)
  • A handful of chocolate chips
  • ⅛ tsp vanilla (optional, but it makes it taste better!)


  • Measuring spoons
  • Metal fork/spoon
  • Microwave safe 8oz mug
  • Microwave

Here is the Zoom meeting info:

Join Zoom Meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday night!

Meeting ID: 466 720 461
Password: (same as last time – contact a Guider if you don’t know the password!)

Or dial by your location:
Meeting ID: 466 720 461
Password: 320110
Find your local number:

April 15 Meeting: Gender POWER!

Tonight we’ll be covering the theme of “Gender Power” and learn more about feminism and what it can mean to be a feminist. Here’s what we’re going to do: 

1. Check in – share your kindness rocks / notes message

2. Discussion and Reflection: What is feminism to you? Who are some inspiring women leaders you look up to?

3. Watch this video for context

4. Activity: Friendly Neighbourhood Feminism. Brainstorm what women’s issues you care about. Get into small groups and research on the internet which organizations are working on the issue you care about. How could we get involved? Report back by making a powerpoint slide. 

5. Present what you learned

6. Wrap up video from International Day of the Girl 

7. Bonus video about Dr. Bonnie Henry

Here’s what you’ll need for tonight’s meeting:

Some scrap paper and a pen for taking notes on your ideas.

Here’s an article to get you thinking:    

Kindness Rocks / Notes

Let’s send some kind and encouraging words out into the people in our world. Why not surprise someone in your community with a positive, empowering message… on a rock! or a window sign! or get out your sidewalk chalk and send a message to your neighbourhood!

Hearing positive messages can boost your self-acceptance and confidence, so spreading them around is a great way to lift up the people you care about. The Kindness Rocks Project was started to surprise people with random acts of kindness. 

Homework this week: Inspire and share positive messages with others through decorating your own rock, sign, window sign, sidewalk, post-it note…whatever! Leave it in a visible place and take a photo to share with the group. Email your photos to the leaders by April 14.

Jan 15 meeting is cancelled

With all the snow making it difficult to get around, Pathfinders will be cancelled on Wednesday, January 15.

The forms for the February 8-9 Sleepover at Guide House in North Vancouver will be posted before the weekend. Keep an eye out for those.

Enjoy the snow!

What riding are you in?

For our October 9th meeting, we will be talking once again about the election.

Please come prepared to answer the following questions:

  •  What is the name of the riding you live in?
  •  Where does your riding vote?
  •  What candidates are running for which parties in your riding?
  •  Who is the current Member of Parliament for your riding? What party are they with?
  • What question(s) would you be interested in asking your local candidates if you got a chance?

Resources to help:  

Elections Canada –

House of Commons –

And during our last meeting, we selected our Halloween and Enrolment activities through a ranked ballot. This is the type of system that political parties use to select their leader. It is also used in many democracies around the world.

Here’s a simple description of how ranked ballots work:

Find more resources here:

And more about the Pathfinder Program…

Also – download this Condensed Pathfinder Program Book book. You can use this to help guide your Pathfinder journey, and learn more about what’s required to complete your Canada Cord! We’ll be working more with this tool in the coming weeks.