April 15 Meeting: Gender POWER!

Tonight we’ll be covering the theme of “Gender Power” and learn more about feminism and what it can mean to be a feminist. Here’s what we’re going to do: 

1. Check in – share your kindness rocks / notes message

2. Discussion and Reflection: What is feminism to you? Who are some inspiring women leaders you look up to?

3. Watch this video for context

4. Activity: Friendly Neighbourhood Feminism. Brainstorm what women’s issues you care about. Get into small groups and research on the internet which organizations are working on the issue you care about. How could we get involved? Report back by making a powerpoint slide. 

5. Present what you learned

6. Wrap up video from International Day of the Girl 

7. Bonus video about Dr. Bonnie Henry

Here’s what you’ll need for tonight’s meeting:

Some scrap paper and a pen for taking notes on your ideas.

Here’s an article to get you thinking:  https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/women-chief-medical-officers-canada-1.5518974