On April 22 we’ll be doing some ZOOM BAKING. Please try to get the following ingredients and equipment ready for the April 22 meeting.
- 4 tbsp all purpose flour
- 2 tbsp lightly packed brown sugar
- ¼ tsp baking powder
- 3 tbsp milk (or almond/soy milk)
- ½ tbsp vegetable oil (olive, canola, etc.)
- A handful of chocolate chips
- ⅛ tsp vanilla (optional, but it makes it taste better!)
- Measuring spoons
- Metal fork/spoon
- Microwave safe 8oz mug
- Microwave
Here is the Zoom meeting info:
Join Zoom Meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday night!
Meeting ID: 466 720 461
Password: (same as last time – contact a Guider if you don’t know the password!)
Or dial by your location:
Meeting ID: 466 720 461
Password: 320110
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbUUv2aiuJ