Cookie Selling and Flyover Canada Halloween Outing

On October 18, we’re selling cookies at Broadway-City Hall Skytrain Station! Note the early start time of 4:30 pm. Uniforms are mandatory for this public event.

On October 25, we’re heading to Canada Place to experiene Flyover Canada with a Halloween Twist! Bring your Compass Card or bus fare as we’re taking transit. Drop off and pick up are from 29th Avenue Skytrain Station.  More information in the Events Calendar. Note the early start time!

Drop off Time:  6:30pm

Pick up Time:  8:30pm

Cost:  $18

Forms and payment for Flyover Canada are due Oct 18.  Forms available here.

Cozy, Crafty Fall Camp at Camp Olave

From Friday November 24 – Sunday November 26, we’re heading to Camp Olave for a cozy, crafty fall camp! We’re staying at Brock cabin. We’ll be making lots of fun things to take home, and completing the BC Camping “Sleepover” Challenge! Camp costs $85. Talk to a leader if you’d like to use some of your cookie cash! Forms and payment are due no later than November 1.

Kit list will be distributed closer to camp.

More information is available in the Pathfinder Calendar!

Reminder to bring in your membership pins

It was great to meet everyone at our first meeting, I know we’re going to have a fun year together!

As mentioned at the meeting, if you have a membership pin at home, please bring it to one of the next few meetings. 

Membership pins celebrate the number of years you have been in Guiding. The number on the pin indicates how many years you’ve been in Guiding. You get a new one every year. We’ll hand these out during the enrollment ceremony. 

It is tradition for members to bring in their membership pins from the year before so they can be redistributed to other girls. This helps to keep our costs down, so we can spend our money elsewhere. 

Welcome to the 2017/2018 Pathfinder Year!

The 9th Pathfinders meet Wednesdays in the basement at St Thomas Anglican Church (2444 E 41st Ave) from 6:45 – 8:30 pm. Enter from the back door, off St Margarets St.
The first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday September 13th. Please plan to spend the first 15-20 minutes at the meeting to meet the Guiders and ensure we have all of the forms and up-to-date contact information we need.
Please bring the following items to the first meeting:
  • Completed Personal Health Form for your Pathfinder
  • $50 for annual dues payment – cash or cheque payable to “GGC – 9th Vancouver Pathfinders”. Can also be paid in two installments of $25 (September and January). Dues help pay for unit basics such as pins and badges, craft materials, baking supplies, and thank-yous for special guests and presenters.
  • Forms and payment for the Southridge District outing to Taves Apple Farm on October 14. Check out the event listing for more information and to download forms.


A Pathfinder uniform is an important part of your Pathfinder toolkit. Uniforms are mandatory for public events as they help identify us as Pathfinders and members of Girl Guides of Canada. Pathfinders will need a uniform t-shirt, scarf, and pin tabwhich can be ordered online. We recommend ordering soon, as shipping and availability can be delayed at the start of the year.
See you on September 13th!

Calling all Creators!

Hope everyone is enjoying the end of summer!

Just wanted to let you know of an opportunity that we’ve come across that you might be interested in.  A few local businesses (mostly owned by women, yay!) are having a pop up shop September 15-17, and are opening up space to youth vendors.  I know we’ve got lots of crafty girls in Guiding, so consider applying if you’ve made something you want to sell.  You can even share a table with a friend (make sure you both fill out the application form).   You could sell your own art, jewellry, baking… just about anything you’ve created!  Application deadline is September 5th so make sure you get your application form in soon if you are interested.

We look forward to seeing you all at our first meeting on September 13!

Last meeting: Frisbee Golf and Park Fun!

Can you believe it – our last meeting of the year is on Wednesday June 5!! We’re meeting at 6:45 pm at the corner of 33rd and Ontario. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. We’ll play a round of frisbee golf, and enjoy some chill time in the park – with some end-of-year surprises. Pick up is 8:30 pm at the same place.

Still want to come to summer camp? Forms and payment are due today.

Updates for Weds May 31

It’s the second-last meeting of the year!  On the go tonight we’ve got:

  • Super fun games
  • Knot workshop
  • A few outstanding items for BC Summer Camp Challenge (which count for your Canada Cord even if you’re not going to camp!)
  • Visitors from Guides who are looking forward to learning about Pathfinders!

Remember to bring your forms for the trip to Steveston this Saturday, and any remaining forms and payment for summer camp to Camp Olave.

Tonight is also the last chance to have any program work signed off before we break for summer, so bring completed modules for review.

We’re selling cookies at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Sunday June 4 form 4-6 pm. This event is mandatory for MCB and HW. All others are encouraged to attend!

Don’t forget to register for fall, if you haven’t already!

Great Volunteer Opportunity: 2017 Canada 150 Parade presented by the Port of Vancouver

The Port of Metro Vancouver is calling for energetic members, from Sparks to Rangers, Guiders and Guild to come and celebrate our national pride and take a moment to honour this great nation. We will feature the celebration theme with motion and amplified music, sing campfire songs with some choreography along the parade route.

An integral part of the Canada Day at Canada Place activities, the parade starts at 4:00pm on Sunday, July 2, 2017. The Canada 150 Parade will bring the streets of downtown Vancouver to life with over 60 parade entries showcasing our rich and diverse country.  The purpose of the parade is to celebrate Canada and provide enjoyment and fun for members of our community.  The parade route is 1 km. Television coverage by Shaw TV.

On the day, we will meet early at Provincial Guide House to practice the choreography and travel together in a school bus to the parade assembly area.  Parents will drop off and pick up their girls at Guide House.

Dress Code: Official uniform T-shirt with white tie, navy cargo pant or navy blue jean.

Please email ASAP to sign up. Space in our entry is limited so contact us ASAP.

Camp preparation!

On May 24, we’re completing a number of modules of the Summer Camp Challenge as we gear up for Camp Olave! Even if you’re not going to camp, this work also counts towards your Canada Cord, so don’t miss out!

Please bring with you:

Also, the Camp Olave kit list is now available here:

Please review. If you’d like to borrow any camping gear from Girl Guides such as a thermarest, sleeping bag, or pack, please let a leader know by May 31.