April showers bring May flowers…

…and they also signal tonnes of outdoor fun on the horizon!

This week, we’re kicking off camping season with a series of modules all about backpacking gear. Even if you’re not going to camp, this information is valuable and counts towards your Canada Cord! We’ll also work on some service project planning, and on some crafts! We’ll also be making some final decisions on summer camp.

Remember, forms and payment for kayaking lessons and spring camp at Newcastle Island are due tonight! Also, if you’re interested in participating in the Pathfinder Summit in the fall and haven’t RSVP’d yet, please speak with Karla tonight.

Lastly, registration for the 2018/2019 Guiding year is open now! If you’re planning on registering for the 9th Pathfinders next year, register as soon as possible as the unit will definitely fill up once general registration opens!

April 25th updates

This week, we’ve got an awesome special guest coming to lead a crafty evening of stitchery! Everyone will make a fun project to take home.

Remember, forms and payment for kayaking lessons, spring camp at Newcastle Island, and post-dated deposit for your spot on the Pathfinder Summit patrol are due now!

There are also a few more cases of cookies that you could take to raise your own funds towards any of the upcoming events. Check with Karla tomorrow night!

Lastly, registration for the 2018/2019 Guiding year is open now! If you’re planning on registering for the 9th Pathfinders next year, register as soon as possible as the unit will definitely fill up once general registration opens!

Cookie Selling and City Hall visit

This Wednesday, we have a great double-feature lined up. We’re selling cookies at the Broadway-City Hall Canada Line station from 4:00-6:00 pm, and then heading up to City Hall to meet Vancouver City Councillor Heather Deal and visit Council Chambers.

Meet at Broadway-City Hall Station (SE corner of Cambie and Broadway) at 4:00 pm sharp. Pick-up will be from the front doors of City Hall (453 W 12th Ave, south side of the building) at 7:15 pm. Please don’t bring your own cookies to sell tonight – we still have +25 cases of unit cookies to sell!! 🙂

Uniforms are mandatory for this very special evening. Come dressed to be outside for cookie selling.

Also, if you’d like to apply to be in the patrol for Pathfinder Summit 2018, please bring a post-dated deposit cheque of $100 on Wednesday.

Pathfinder Summit 2018

The Pathfinder Summit is an amazing opportunity for Pathfinder units from across BC to come together in Vancouver to explore the Pathfinder program. 2nd and 3rd year Pathfinders participate in activities and workshops designed with the goal of building the skills necessary to take on leadership roles in our units, in Guiding and in our communities.

This year, Pathfinder Summit will be taking place from Oct 19-21 2018 at the brand-new Guide House in North Vancouver! Participants will be staying at the nearby HI-Vancouver Downtown Hostel.

We would like to apply to send a patrol of 4 Guiders + 1 Guider from the 9th Pathfinders.

If you are currently in 1st or 2nd year, will be returning to the 9th Pathfinders in the fall, and would be interested in being part of the patrol, please submit a $100 cheque, post-dated for June 10 2018, no later than April 18 2018. As we can only register 4 Pathfinders and one alternate, we will register girls on a first-come, first-served basis. We will only cash the cheques if our units application to attend the Summit is successful. This opportunity is open to girls who will be in 2nd or 3rd year with the 9th Pathfinders next year.

Please contact Karla if you have any questions.

Spring has sprung!

Spring is here! We’ve got a lot of creative and adventurous activities to round out the Pathfinder program year, so be sure to check the Calendar for updates and more information about upcoming opportunities, including spring camp at Newcastle Island, and kayaking lessons with EcoMarine Paddlesport.

Starting April 4, our regular weekly meetings are being held at First Lutheran Church (5745 Wales St). Enter from the church office doors on 42nd Ave.

Also, Amy will be bringing two cases of cookies per Pathfinder for everyone to take home to sell on April 4! If you would like more, please contact Amy or Karla in advance.


Cookies are here!

Cookies are here! Would you like to pick your cases up before our next meeting on April 4? Karla will be available from 10 am – noon this Saturday March 24 near 26th & Rupert. Call or e-mail her for the exact address!

Cookies available tomorrow!

Spring cookies are available now!  If you would like your case(s) before the meeting on April 4th, Karla will be available to distribute cases for Pathfinders to sell on their own on Sunday March 18 at 10:30 am in the Safeway parking lot at Kingsway & Tyne. Please e-mail or text to confirm how many you’d like to pick up tomorrow.

This week…

…is our last meeting before Spring Break! We’ll be working on our sock monkeys and enjoying some crafting time to end off the winter season. Missed the meeting where were started the sock monkeys? Don’t worry – we’ve got lots of materials and time to get caught up this week. We’ve got some tasty treats, too, so don’t miss this fun meeting!

Also, we’ve got three amazing weekend adventures planned for after Spring Break:

Southridge District Camp Skills Day

Its time again to have some fun and learn camping skills! Join us @ Woodward’s Landing for Camp Skills Day from 8:30am to 4:15pm on April 21st, 2018. There will be 6 stations (*subject to change), 2 snacks (am/pm), lunch provided, and each participant will receive an crest and have the option of purchasing a Woodward’s Landing crest ($1.5/crest). Come join us for a day of fun. Pathfinders will help to run stations, and earn valuable volunteer hours towards your Canada Cord. Volunteers will have warm drinks all day, free lunch and crest. This is a fun and valuable event to attend!

Please bring back the signed SG2 form on March 14 2018.

“Intro to Backpacking” Camp, Newcastle Island

We’re heading to Newcastle Island for the May long weekend! Newcastle is a protected marine park off the coast of Nanaimo. We’re staying at a group camping site overlooking the ocean. This is an “intro to backpacking camp,” where Pathfinders will plan meals appropriate for the trail, cook in pairs, use and learn about backpacking gear, and earn the BC Spring Camping challenge!

This will also be gold camp for any 3rd years completing their Canada Cord this year.

Please complete the forms below and return with payment of $40 to a Unit Guider no later than May 2. We’ll be using RSVPs to plan food, gear, etc. starting May 2nd, so need to know who is coming to camp to ensure the plans include everyone!

Kayak Training Course with EcoMarine Paddlesport Centre

We’re doing an amazing kayaking course with EcoMarine Paddlesport on June 2-3 2018!

Over this two-day course, you will learn the essential kayaking skills needed for a great water-sport adventure. On the water we focus on skills such as boat handling, launching, landing and balancing. Once comfortable in the kayak you will learn how to safely exit your kayak in the event of a capsize, how to get back in with the help of a partner and how to get back in on your own. You will earn the Paddle Canada Basic Kayak certification upon completion.

Please complete the forms below and return with payment to a Unit Guider no later than May 2, 2018.  We received a very generous grant from the West Coast Area to help support this initiative, so are able to offer this course for $80 per person (regular value of approx. $200!).

Payment can be made in two instalments – $50 payable by May 2, and $30 payable May 30 (you can use Spring cookie cash, too!).

More information, including what to bring, is available in the Event Calendar posting.

This week…

…we’re working on a Canada Cord requirement – the Be a Model Citizen module! Bring your program book, and something that represents Canada to you.

We’re also collecting forms and payment for the Kayak Lessons with EcoMarine Paddlesport.  Speak with a Guider if you have any questions about using your current (and future!) cookie cash towards this amazing course!

Congratulations and meeting updates!

Congratulations, Pathfinders! We earned +$180 for the CWFF at the karaoke fundraiser we hosted last week! We’d set our unit goal at raising $100, so congrats – you almost doubled that! What a fun night and amazing team effort.

This Wednesday, we’re starting an amazing sock monkey crafting project. We’ll be working on some crafting skills, but more importantly, be creating some lovely buddies to take home upon completion! This is a great hands-on project with fun take-home product.

Remember, we’re collecting forms and payment for the kayaking course in June with EcoMarine Paddlesport. Bring your detail back as soon as possible to secure your spot!