Cupcake decorating and upcoming events

On January 23, we’re decorating cupcakes with the fabulous Sarah, and learning about the science of baking! It will be a very fun evening. Check out Sarah’s Instagram for a sneak peek at some of her fun and beautiful creations.

Reminder to bring 6 plain cupcakes to decorate (no nuts please!), $4 for your decorating tip, or decorating tips from home if you’d like to use something you’ve already got!

We also have two events coming up:

  1. Girl’s Can Do It: International Women’s Day event on Saturday March 9
  2. St John’s Ambulance “LifeSaver” First Aid Course on Saturday April 13

Check out the links above for more info. Forms for International Women’s Day are due next Wednesday January 30. Forms for First Aid are not due until springtime, but sign up sooner than later as we may need to add a second session if more than 18 Pathfinders want to take the course!

Bedrolls and sit-upons

At tonight’s snow camp prep meeting we spoke a lot about what to bring and how to pack it. Bring layers, waterproof materials and extra toques and gloves. We will be outside in the snow, which will get things wet. Come prepared.

We also discussed things we do not want to see at Snow Camp. Things like:

• Ankles

• Running shoes

• Undone boots

• Cotton

• Rolling suitcases

• Snacks with nuts (some of our friends are allergic)

• Sleeping bags that are not waterproofed

If you need to borrow gear, let Karla know and we will see what we can do. And if you could use a few more appropriate layers, I have found some great gear at second hand stores like Value Village.

If you do need to strap your sleeping pad or sleeping bag to the outside of your pack, here is a video of the classic Girl Guide trick of waterproofing your sleeping bag with a tarp and rope.

And some tips on how to make a sit upon (which can be as easy as putting some newsprint in a plastic bag).

Lastly, here’s a video of Christa’s favourite thing about snow camp (okay, mine too). Looking forward to it!

Snow Camp Patrol Planning & Canada Cord Fun

This meeting is mandatory for all Pathfinders attending snow camp. Tonight is the FINAL DEADLINE for snow camp forms and payment.

We’ve got an interactive evening of snow camp training and planning lined up! We’ll be breaking into our camp patrols to plan menus; review gear and practice packing our bags; and practice setting up the tents.

For those that aren’t attending snow camp, we’ll have a few fun activities to choose from, including continuing the Canada Cord work we started last week!

Also, reminder that we’re heading to the West Coast Area Girls Can Do It! International Women’s Day event on Saturday March 9!

Want to attend? Bring your SG2 form and $5 back no later than Wednesday January 30. Speak with a leader if you’d like to use your cookie cash towards this fun and interactive event!

First Meeting of 2019

We hope everyone had a fun and festive holiday season and is ready for Pathfinders.  The leaders are all excited, we’ve got some really fun events lined up over the next few months.

We will be doing lots of planning at our meeting on Wednesday, January 9.  Third years will be planning several meetings to complete important work towards the Canada Cord, so bring your old program books, and let a leader know if you cannot attend the meeting on Wednesday.

Also, we’re heading to the West Coast Area Girls Can Do It! International Women’s Day event on Saturday March 9!

The WCA will be hosting a fun fair of cool things to explore, from basic displays to elaborate interactive demos. Beyond brochures and trifold boards, girls will try new skills in hands-on ways. With hundreds of Girl Guide friends, come explore booths from local businesses, professionals, and organizations, who are contributing their time and enthusiasm. Girls will explore the tables/displays at their leisure throughout the afternoon. There will be a variety of activities set up, with interesting people to talk to, demos to try, swag to take home, and more.

Want to attend? Bring your SG2 form and $5 back no later than Wednesday January 30. Speak with a leader if you’d like to use your cookie cash towards this fun and interactive event!

Last meeting of 2018!

It’s our last meeting of the year!

We’ll be making holiday cards for seniors, and some to take home! We’ll also have some delicious snacks, gourmet hot chocolates, and time to chill.

Please bring your Snow Camp forms and payment, and any outstanding cookie money. Please also bring back forms and payment for Holiday Camp with the 58th Pathfinders and Orion Rangers, if you would like to attend that camp next weekend.

Lastly, the pack towel supplier that has the awesome towels we looked at last week will be coming to the end our our meeting to sell towels directly. Large/bath towels are $5 each. Small hand towels are $2 each. This is an amazing deal as the large towels are typically $40 and smaller ones are $12-$15 at MEC. Great for holiday gifting, and for putting in your backpacking gear stash!

Note that towel sales are cash only, so bring cash (exact change preferred) for towels.

Holiday Camp with 58th Pathfinders & Orion Rangers

Holiday Camp Invitation  – Dec 14th to 16th at Camp Capilano
We’ve been invited to join the 58th Pathfinders and Orion Rangers for another camp – this time, for a weekend of festive cheer for their annual Holiday Camp with the Orion Rangers! The unit Guiders from the 9th aren’t able to attend, but some of you met the girls and Guiders at Camp Olave recently. They’re all really nice, and fun!
Activities will include: an evening out-trip to Canyon Lights at the Capilano Suspension Bridge to see all the beautiful lights back at site we will be cooking up a feast, making holiday cards for soldiers over seas, and other crafts, playing games, doing a Holiday themed Escape Room, doing a gift exchange and
other great holiday-themed program activities.  Camp is at the Camp Capilano cabin on the North Shore.  
Check out the forms, schedule and kit list for your information.  If you are interested in attending this camp, the SG2 form and fee are due Dec 5th!

Snow camp training

We’ve got a fun and interactive evening of winter camping training happening tonight! We’ll cover information around clothing and gear; packing; staying warm and managing personal first aid; food and cooking in the cold; and more! Check out the information at the bottom of our Resources page for more info that you can print, save, and share!

This training is mandatory for anyone interested in going to Snow Camp next year, so please plan to attend. Not sure about snow camp yet? That’s okay! Come anyway – this work will count towards your Canada Cord whether or not you go to camp.

Also – please bring in any outstanding fall cookie money!

Fun, fun and more fun at WeDay Family Night!

On Nov 21, we’re heading to WeDay at Rogers Arena! Because traffic and parking are tricky around the stadium, we’re meeting at Nanaimo Skytrain Station at 5:30 pm. Pick up is also at Nanaimo Stn at 8:15 pm. Bring your compass card, and come in uniform!

Please note purses or bags that are larger than 14” x 14” x 6” (35cm x 35cm x 15cm) will not be allowed in Rogers Arena for any game or event, so please leave your school bags at home. 

Didn’t bring your form in? Don’t worry – you can still come along! Just print and bring your signed SG2 with you to the Skytrain station.

Also, reminder to all Pathfinders to get your Girls First profile set up! Get this set up before the end of the year, as YOU’LL be diving in headfirst to meeting planning, activity selection, and crowdsourced awesomeness in 2019!

Neat volunteer opportunity – Adopt a Catch Basin 

It’s that time of the year, where the air is crisp, the wind has wrestled the leaves from the trees and the rains have arrived. 
All the leaves and rain can also lead to neighbourhood flooding as catch basins get blocked, preventing water from getting into the storm water pipes. 

You can help be a neighbourhood hero by adopting a catch basin! Through the City of Vancouver’s website, you can find a catch basin by your house, give it a fun name, and walk by it weekly to see if it needs any maintenance. Over 1,800 catch basins have already been adopted with names like Drainy McDrainface and Grate Expectations. It’s a great opportunity for community service. 

For more information or to adopt a catch basin, visit their website. 

Enrolment and Upcoming Events

November 7 is our enchanted enrolment evening! Come in uniform and dressed for the weather. We’ll start and end at the church, but will mostly be outside, so don’t forget your boots, jacket and toque.

We’ve been invited to attend a fun weekend at Kwi Kwa cabin @ Camp Olave from November 16 – 18 with the 58th Pathfinders, Orion Rangers, and St. Helen’s Scouts & Ventures. We’ll have time to play outside, cook great food, play a tonne of board games, do homework, and make new friends at this fun and chill weekend on the Sunshine Coast. Karla will be taking a group of Pathfinders from the 9th, if you’re interested in joining in the fun! Check out the event information forms for more information. Interested in attending? Forms and payment of $100 are due Wednesday November 14.

We are heading to WeDay on Nov 21! Bring your forms in no later than November 14.

Also, check out updated information about Snow Camp! Take a look at the event information, and the kit list. Forms are due back in January so no rush, but start thinking now about what you need to prepare, plan for, and learn about before we head out for a fun weekend in the snow!