June 12 – Hooray to summer!

It’s the last meeting of the year!

We’re meeting at the church, and will be walking to some nearby locales for bubble tea and then some fun in the park. Bring your favourite outdoor game, if you like, and come in uniform (mandatory!).

We’ll be having our Canada Cord presentation, doing a craft activity, and will have time for fun, photos and reflection in the park.

If you have any outstanding cookie money, please bring it tonight.

See you at 6:45 pm at the church!

Reminders for June 5 Meeting

We’ve got a big meeting planned for Wednesday!

We’ll be reflecting on the year and taking stock of all of the fun things we done, eating some yummy snacks, and doing a fun leadership activity or two. We’ll also be finalizing our outing plans for our last meeting on June 12!

3rd year girls – be sure to come this week as this is your last chance to review and get sign off on your Canada Cord requirements before summer.

If you brought camping gear home from Fort Langley, please bring it back dried and folded up nicely. Hang it up ASAP and leave it hung up until Wednesday!

Lastly, if you have not returned your cookie cash yet, please bring it tonight.

BC Camping Committee: Pathfinder Glamp Camp

Big news – we have been accepted to send a patrol of 4 Pathfinders to Pathfinder Glamp Camp being held on October 11-14, 2019 at Keats Camp on Keat’s Island, BC. This is the first time the BC Camping Committee is hosting this event, and it’s sure to be a success with over 100 Pathfinders from around BC attending this year’s event and with two full days of programming! Pathfinders will be able to select their program, which will include indoor and outdoor options. We will be sleeping in bunk style cabins and each cabin has its own bathroom with shower! The kitchen will prepare for us 3 tasty meals a day. Below are some note to help you prepare for this great experience. This camp costs $125 to attend, which includes all food, ferry transportation to Keats Island, programming, t-shirt and crest.

This opportunity is open to Pathfinders that are currently in 1st or 2nd year and will be returning to the 9th Pathfinders next year. If that describes you and you are interested in going to this camp, please return all of the forms below (SG2, SG5, H1, H7, KC Release Waiver) plus payment of $125 no later than June 5 2019. We will accept registration on a first come, first served basis.

Forms and information:

10 Essentials, Leadership and Due Dates

On May 22, we’re learning about the 10 essentials, and exploring leadership, resilience, and conflict resolution.

We also need to submit our photo collages for the BC Photo Challenge in order to earn the cool crest! Please email your photo collage to Karla no later than 10 pm on May 22.

Lastly, reminder that cookie money and any final forms and payment for Spring Camp at Fort Langley are due today. Talk to a leader about using cookie cash for camp.

Photography 102 – Organizing, Editing, and Presenting your Photos, plus upcoming outings

This week we’ll be meeting at the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch (350 W Georgia St) to practice editing the photos we took last week at Queen Elizabeth Park. 

Before we meet: please select your top 10 photos from last week. If possible, download and save them on a memory stick or to a web-based file sharing site such as Dropbox, to save time during the meeting.

Meeting Place: Meet at 6:30pm inside the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch in the first floor atrium right in front of the library entrance (look for the Flying Wedge pizza). 

Please Bring: Your Vancouver Public Library card, your photos that you took at Queen Elizabeth Park (either on a USB drive or on your camera/phone), a USB drive so you can take your photos home, and any cables you might need to connect your camera/phone to the computer. 

Don’t have a VPL card? You can get one on site using this form! People 14 and over can apply for one on their own. 13 and under? Please have a parent/guardian complete this form with you, and bring it to the meeting.

Pick Up: Parents please meet at the library plaza at the corner of Homer and Georgia at 8:30pm.

ALSO: reminder that our Invasive Species outing is this Saturday May 4 from 10 am – 1 pm! Please bring back your signed permission form this week.

ALSO ALSO: forms for spring camp at Fort Langley from May 31 – June 2 are now available online! Please bring back your forms and payment of $65 (talk to a leader about using cookie cash!) no later than Wednesday May 15.


Photography 101 and Updates for April 24 Meeting

This week, we’ll be practicing photography at Queen Elizabeth Park with a professional photographer. We’ll also be working towards the BC Photo Challenge!

Meeting Place: Meet at the Queen Elizabeth Plaza at the top of the hill (by the big fountain between the Blodel Conservatory and the Parking Lot) at 6:45. 

Please Bring: a camera or something that takes photos (phone, ipod). Rainjacket and boots if it looks rainy. 

Pickup: Parents will meet at 8:30 at the Queen Elizabeth Plaza (same place as drop-off). 

Also, don’t forget your forms and payment for Pathfinder Pedal, Paddle and Pack camp on the May Long Weekend, if you’re interested in being part of that patrol.

Lastly, April 24 will be your last chance to take home cookies to sell on your own. Please email or text Karla if you would like a case.

Invasive Species Service Project with the Stanley Park Ecology Society

We’ll be heading to Stanley Park on Saturday, May 4th for our Environmental Service Project, where we will be hosted by the Stanley Park Ecology Society. We will go on a nature walk, learn about invasive species management, and participate as environmental stewards in creating valuable habitat for native wildlife!

More information and links to the forms are available on the event page here.

Forms are due by Wednesday, May 1st. There is no cost to attend this event.

Camping Opportunity: Pathfinder Pedal, Paddle and Pack – May 17-20 2019

West Coast Area and Fraser Skies Area are hosting an inter-area adventure taster camp for Pathfinders to learn adventure camping skills and to try cycling, hiking and canoeing, at Cultus Lake Provincial Park from May 17-20.

Patrols of 1 Guider & 5 Pathfinders can register for this camp. We would like to send one patrol, if Pathfinders are interested!

Sessions included are:

  • Search & Rescue training
  • Bicycle maintenance
  • A cycling trek through the backroads of the Fraser Valley including an ice cream stop
  • A hike to a grove of enormous old-growth Douglas Fir trees or up through a forest of whimsical teapots to a picturesque viewpoint
  • Canoeing on Cultus Lake with Ridge Wilderness

When: May 17 – 20, 2019 (May Long Weekend)

Where: Honeymoon Bay Group Campsite at Cultus Lake Provincial Park

Cost: $100 per Pathfinder ($80 event fee includes tech event shirt and crest, plus $20 unit patrol food costs)

If you are interested in attending this camp, please review the SG1, and return the SG2 and SG5 with a cheque for $100 payable to “GGC – 9th Vancouver Pathfinders” as soon as possible andno later than April 24.

Please note: this opportunity is in addition to our unit spring camp at Fort Camping (Brae Island Regional Park), May 31- June 2. More information on that camp will be discussed at an upcoming meeting!

Cookie Selling & First Aid

Two important updates for today and Saturday:

We are cookie selling today from 4:30 – 7:00 pm at Burrard Skytrain Station, so there will be no meeting at the church. Please come in uniform, and dress for the weather.

Also, the timing of Saturday’s LifeSaver First Aid class at St John’s Ambulance course has been changed due to a mix up on their end. The event on Saturday will now be 8:45 am (as planned) to 2:30 pm (extended from 12:30 pm). Apologies for the confusion. Please remember to bring a lunch, snacks, water, a pencil case, and clothes you can move in.

Lastly, if you have forms and payment to drop off or cookies to pick up on Saturday, please plan to do so at the beginning of class.

Please email Karla if you have any questions.

Animal meditations

Have you ever wondered what it is like to to a humpback whale, or a fox or a sloth? Well now is your chance. 

Here is the link to the animal meditations that we explored at the last meeting. Each one takes a different animal and walks through what their reality is like. Put one one, close your eyes, and relax through these snapshots. 
