Snow camp training

We’ve got a fun and interactive evening of winter camping training happening tonight! We’ll cover information around clothing and gear; packing; staying warm and managing personal first aid; food and cooking in the cold; and more! Check out the information at the bottom of our Resources page for more info that you can print, save, and share!

This training is mandatory for anyone interested in going to Snow Camp next year, so please plan to attend. Not sure about snow camp yet? That’s okay! Come anyway – this work will count towards your Canada Cord whether or not you go to camp.

Also – please bring in any outstanding fall cookie money!

Updates for Oct 3

We’re going to spend the evening learning about the Girls First program and Canada Cord, and planning our amazing Pathfinder year! Bring your big ideas for special events, community service projects, outdoor adventures, and other fun things you’d like to do this year.

This week is also your last chance to pick up a case or two of mint cookies to sell to earn cookie cash towards your own Pathfinder events and adventures.

Lastly, if you have a years of service pin (like the one pictured below) from your previous year in Guiding, please bring it with you – we’re updating our records and ordering pins for this year’s enrolment ceremony, and would like to check in on what you’ll need this year!

Updates for tonight

We’re wrapping up camp by repacking the borrowed camp gear, so bring back all of the borrowed gear you’ve got out on loan! This is important as it needs to be returned to West Coast Area tomorrow.

We’ll be working on a few things including finishing our sock monkeys, so don’t miss out!! This will be the last chance to work on your monkey in a meeting.

Most importantly, summer camp forms are here! Check out the forms below for information about summer camp at Camp Olave from July 6-8.

Camp costs $70 to attend. You can use your cookie cash! Forms and payment are due no later than our last meeting of the year, which is Wednesday June 6.

This week…

We are continuing with our camp planning and preparation this week.  We’ll also check in to see how everyone’s cookie sales are going.  Please bring in money for the cases you have sold.

If you haven’t brought back camp or kayaking forms yet, this is your last chance!

Also, for the Pathfinders coming to Newcastle Island on the long weekend, please review the Kit List and meal planning documents below. We’ll be working with these on Wednesday night.

Snowshoeing on Sunday

We are heading to Mount Seymour this Sunday for a fun hike on the Dog Mountain Trail!  We will meet at the trailhead at 9:00 am, pickup is at 2:00 pm.  It looks like it will be sunny but chilly, so dress appropriately.

Don’t forget

  • layered clothing, including hat and mittens/gloves
  • snowshoes (if you are bringing your own)
  • lunch
  • 2L water
  • mug for hot chocolate

Food Bank Outing – January 31!

Next week, we’re heading to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank to sort food at the warehouse and learn about food security in Metro Vancouver! This event is part of our efforts towards the National Action on Poverty. We’re meeting at the Food Bank (1150 Raymur Ave) at 5:45 pm. Pick-up is 8:00 pm. Note the earlier start and end times! Bring the completed Food Bank Volunteering Form and one or two items from the GVFB’s most wanted list below with you!!

The GVFB is on the lookout for the following high protein, whole grain, lower sodium (salt), lower sugar items:

  • Canned fish, chicken or turkey
  • Canned black beans, chickpeas, and kidney beans
  • Dried Lentils
  • Nuts and/or seeds
  • Natural Peanut butter
  • Brown rice, barley and whole wheat pasta
  • Powdered skim milk
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Hearty stews with 10g or more protein

Please note, due to health and safety issues we are not able to accept the following items:

  • Homemade items
  • Expired food
  • Products containing alcohol
  • Open packages of food

Meeting Updates – January 24

We’ve got our last karaoke fundraiser planning session tomorrow! Here’s what we need to accomplish tomorrow to be able to host our amazing event for Thinking Day/ CWFF:
1. Date: Finalize Feb 21 or Feb 23 (bring your availability!)
2. Tickets: figure out price, design, how will we sell them
3. Email invite: draft a email to invite other girls
4. Finalize budget: prices for concession stand
5. Roles: Who will be baking different treats for the concession stand? Who is going to volunteer for each booth?
6. Crest: Design it!
7. Other things to discuss: raffle tickets, CWFF booth, equipment, hashtag, flyers
We already have a great event plan, food list, activities plan, supply list, and marketing plan.
Remember, this event planning is mandatory for your Canada Cord!
Please bring your CWFF bowl-a-thon and Snowshoeing forms and payment, if you’d like to attend those events in February!

Enrolment Ceremony Outing – Old Spaghetti Factory – Nov 8

We’re heading to the Old Spaghetti Factory for our Enrolment Ceremony outing!  Here are some important things to bring/remember:

  • Meet at 29th Ave Skytrain Station at 6:30 pm sharp
  • Bring you compass card or bus fare!
  • Bring $10 for dinner, or talk to a leader about using your cookie cash for dinner
  • Uniforms are mandatory for this important special event
  • Pick-up is from the Old Spaghetti Factory in Gastown (53 Water Street) at 8:30 pm
  • Cookie money is due, as are camp forms if you’d like to attend fall camp at Camp Olave Nov 24 – 26. Talk to a leader if you’d like to use your cookie cash for camp.

The group will be leaving 29th Ave promptly, so if you miss the group, you can still meet us at the restaurant at 7:00 pm. Please call or text Karla at 604 720 7922 if you plan on meeting us there.

Unit Updates – Nov 1

We’ve got a lot on the go tomorrow!

Pathfinders new to the unit will be completing some very important modules in preparation for next week’s enrolment ceremony at Old Spaghetti Factory. These modules are mandatory for enrolment and for your Canada Cord! New Pathfinders will also receive their Pathfinder program books tomorrow.

2nd and 3rd year Pathfinders will be leading games and activities for the Brownies upstairs, and earning volunteer hours for their Canada Cords to boot!

Time permitting, we’ll be making up our camp meal plan!

Fall Camp forms and payment as well as cookie money are due tonight. Cheques for camp can be post-dated, but we need to know how many Pathfinders are interested in attending so we can prepare crests, crafts, delicious meals and more! Please speak to a leader if you have any questions.

Welcome to the 2017/2018 Pathfinder Year!

The 9th Pathfinders meet Wednesdays in the basement at St Thomas Anglican Church (2444 E 41st Ave) from 6:45 – 8:30 pm. Enter from the back door, off St Margarets St.
The first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday September 13th. Please plan to spend the first 15-20 minutes at the meeting to meet the Guiders and ensure we have all of the forms and up-to-date contact information we need.
Please bring the following items to the first meeting:
  • Completed Personal Health Form for your Pathfinder
  • $50 for annual dues payment – cash or cheque payable to “GGC – 9th Vancouver Pathfinders”. Can also be paid in two installments of $25 (September and January). Dues help pay for unit basics such as pins and badges, craft materials, baking supplies, and thank-yous for special guests and presenters.
  • Forms and payment for the Southridge District outing to Taves Apple Farm on October 14. Check out the event listing for more information and to download forms.


A Pathfinder uniform is an important part of your Pathfinder toolkit. Uniforms are mandatory for public events as they help identify us as Pathfinders and members of Girl Guides of Canada. Pathfinders will need a uniform t-shirt, scarf, and pin tabwhich can be ordered online. We recommend ordering soon, as shipping and availability can be delayed at the start of the year.
See you on September 13th!