Exploring the GirlsFirst – the Girl Guide Program Platform

As discussed at Pathfinders on Wednesday, this week we would like all Pathfinders to take 15min to try to log in to the GirlsFirst Platform. Go to the web address below and try to login. You might need your iMiss number (which you can request from Karla) to create an account for the first time. Remember, only one account can be created per email address so if you have another person in your family who is also a Girl Guide your account must use a different email address. If you can’t login that’s ok we’ll help you at the next meeting. 


Once you’re in, take a few minutes to click around and explore the activity ideas. You can filter them so only the activities for Pathfinders show up. If you see something that seems fun, try “favoriting” it by clicking the “heart” icon in the bottom corner. 

Think about what activities you would like to do this year and bring your ideas (either from your own imagination or from GirlsFirst) to our next Pathfinder meeting!