Tonight’s meeting, and May 25 and 29 updates

Tonight, we are meeting at the church and doing a variety of activities connected to the Going Global and Different Together program areas.

3rd years will also be working on camp planning. If you are in 3rd year and planning on using the June 24-26 camp as your gold camp, please confirm with the leaders tonight and plan to attend the planning meeting!

Next week, we’re doing an outing with the 1st Rangers! We’re heading to Trout Lake for games, snacks, and a celebration in honour of the girls who completed their Canada Cords last year as we weren’t able to celebrate their accomplishments due to COVID. Plan to be outside next week for some fun in the park!

Also, reminder that on Sunday May 29, we are doing an awesome outdoor first aid course with Coast Wilderness First Aid! Girls will cover valuable first aid skills, and earn CPR C and AED certification! This course counts towards your Canada Cord.

Forms and payment ($25, or use cookie cash!) for first aid are due next Wednesday May 25.

Lastly, we’re going to VanDusen Gardens on June 1 for an eco-outing and badge challenge. That outing costs $5 to attend. Forms and payment are due June 1. Check out the posting in the Calendar for more information about that exciting event.