Preparing for Enrollment & Halloween Party

This week we will be revisiting the Girl Guide promise and law, and form a planning committee for our Enrollment Ceremony. We will also be planning next week’s Halloween party and following up on discussions about summer camp.

If you need more cookies, please e-mail Karla so she can bring them to the meeting. We still a number of cases left, and will also be discussing another possible selling event.

Cookie Selling at Joyce Skytrain

This week we are cookie selling at Joyce Skytrain station.  Meet at 6:30 at the eastern entrance (by the passenger drop-off area) wearing your uniform.  We set a goal to sell 4 cases by 8:00.  If we meet our goal by 8:00 we will go to the coffee shop across the street for hot chocolate, and if we exceed our goal we will have an extra treat!  We’ll finish by 8:30 and parents can pick up in the same place as drop off.

Program work

This week we will have a chill meeting after our super fun red carpet sleepover!

We will look at the “Moneywise” module and plan how to use our cookie profits.  We will also do some brainstorming about camps we would like to do this year and make a plan for lunch at the Apple Farm event.  We’ll also discuss some cookie selling strategies to get ready for our selling date at the Skytrain next week.

If you need more cookies to sell, please email Karla so she can bring them to the meeting.

Grocery Shopping

This week we are going shopping for the food for our sleepover. We will meet at the church at the regular time then walk to Killarney Market, so dress for the weather. We also do a bit more planning to divide up duties at camp.
Cookies go home on Wednesday and we are hoping everyone will take at least one case to sell. Also check the calendar for updated events.

Sleepover Planning

This week we will plan our sleepover which is happening on October 3.  Come with your permission form and ideas about what you would like to do and eat.  We will form committees to plan the budget, menu, activities, and schedule.  Remember there are prizes if you can find a module requirement that could be met by doing this planning!

We need to know who is interested in coming to the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup and if Iron Chef is something we are interested in participating in.  Take a look at the events and decide if you’d like to do either of those.

Don’t forget, sleepover permission forms are due this Wednesday!

Diving into the Pathfinder Program

This week we are going to hand out the program books and take a look at some of the modules.  The Pathfinder program is very self-directed, so you can choose to work on what interests you, although we will certainly complete some modules as a unit.  There are also required modules if you want to earn your Canada Cord.

If you are planning to come to the Taves Apple Farm District event you must bring your permission form and $27 on Wednesday.

First Meeting

We can’t wait to see everyone at the first meeting tonight!  Don’t forget to bring your completed health form and make sure a parent can stay for the first half hour to get all the paperwork and important information taken care of.  Then we will get to move on to some fun games, snacks, and get to know you activities!


We are so excited to be reopening this unit and would like to take a moment to introduce ourselves.

Karla was involved in Guiding from Brownies through Rangers, and has taken some time off to travel and complete two Master’s degrees.  She is thrilled to be returning to Guiding!

Amy also started in Brownies, did Guides and Pathfinders then became a Junior Leader.  She has been a leader and treasurer with the 74th Guides since 2005, and is looking forward to “flying up” to Pathfinders with some of her Guides.

Jenna was involved in Guiding in Ontario and is looking forward to exploring some of the amazing camps we have here in BC.  Olave anyone?

We can’t wait to meet everyone in September!