Pathfinder Summit 2016

Pathfinder Summit is a biennial event (every second year, alternating with Ranger Revolution) for girls in their 2nd or 3rd year of Pathfinders (current 1st or 2nd year Pathfinders). It is an opportunity for registered Pathfinders and Pathfinder Guiders from around BC to come together as patrols and explore the Pathfinder Program, with a focus on leadership. Participants explore subjects they might not encounter at unit meetings and are encouraged to take information back with them to share with their units. Girls and Guiders stay at the HI-Vancouver Jericho Beach hostel and participate in Pathfinder Summit activities at Guide House in Vancouver.

The objective of this event is to help girls from across BC by building the skills necessary to take on leadership roles in their units, in their communities and in Guiding.

Where: Vancouver, BC
Who: Open to 2nd & 3rd Year Pathfinder patrols from BC
When: October 21-23, 2016
Cost: $315 per patrol of 4 Pathfinders ($78.75 per girl)

If you would like to attend this event with a patrol from our unit, please bring a deposit cheque for $78.75 made out to 9th Vancouver Pathfinders by Wednesday May 4th. You do not need to register on your own. The Unit Guiders will apply for patrols on behalf of the unit.

Patrol Application and Information Sheet (PDF)

Earth Day Events for Families

We’re working on the “Our Environment” program module. As part of this module, Pathfinders should consider attending an Earth Day celebration in their community. Here are a few events around town that offer fun and earth-oriented entertainment for the whole family:

Friday April 22: Voices of Elders exhibition and show at Queen Elizabeth Theater (daytime outdoor events are free for all, and evening event is free for children and youth!)

Saturday April 23: Surrey’s Party for the Planet

Sunday April 24: Earth Day Parade on Commercial Drive

New events and information!

We’ve posted information and forms for a variety of upcoming events on the website! Check out the “Forms” page and “Calendar” for more information.

Remember, forms and payment for the horse camp sleepover at A+T Equestrian are due tonight (Wednesday April 20)!

Classic Cookies are coming!

The delicious vanilla and chocolate cookies are still only $5 a box, and can be sold starting March 26.  If you would like to get your cookies before the long weekend (family dinners are a great place to sell cookies!) we will be having a cookie pickup next week, March 23.  Please email Amy if you are interested in getting a head start on the selling.  We will also have cookies available for pickup the following week, March 30.

Pathfinder Pedals, Paddles and Packs Camp @ Camp Olave

Intro to Adventure Camping Opportunity: Pedals, Paddles and Packs
May 6th to 8th, 2016 at Camp Olave – an adventure taster camp for Pathfinders & Rangers with one-night out-trips.  For more information please check out the poster.

Application Instructions: To be considered as a participant for this camp, please complete the following application in full. You must provide a reference from someone who has supervised you on a camping trip (i.e. a Guider, teacher, youth leader, etc.) by having them complete the online reference form on your behalf.
Online Application: Click here
Online Reference Form: Click here
Application & Reference Deadline: Mar 4th, 2015

**This camp is being hosted by the West Coast Area. Girls must apply individually. The 9th will not be submitting a unit patrol.


Fashion Sense from Head to Toe!

On Wednesday February 17th, we’ll be completing the Fashion Sense from Head to Toe module and making granola bars!

Optional items to bring are your hair brush, make-up, nail polish, and fashion magazines for making collages.

Also, if you’d like to finish up your First Aid module from last week, please bring the list of first aid supplies in your personal first aid kit / a photo of your first aid kit from home to share with the group (to complete #6 of the First Aid module in your program book).

West Coast Area Under the Big Top

West Coast Area Program is hosting Under the Big Top, a Circus Arts Event.  Two dates are available, but many of the girls preferred April 3, so if you would like to join girls from our unit, register for the April 3rd session.  One registration package per attendee is needed, meaning girls and Guiders register directly to the event as individuals. Check out the links below for more information.

Under the Big Top Circus Arts Event
When: Sunday, April 3 or Sunday, April 17
Where: CircusWest Performing Arts Society, 2901 East Hastings
Who: 50 Pathfinders per session

The Under the Big Top Event will include:

  • Clowning Around Theatre Games
  • Acrobatics
  • Trapeze and aerials
  • Trampoline
  • Building balance with human pyramids
  • Unicycling
  • Balloon Animals
  • Snack and more!!!

Registration closes on February 29, 2016 but may fill up sooner, so register ASAP as it is first come first served.

Registration / H1 / SG1 / SG2 / SG5 / FAQ

Upcoming Events

We have two events coming up which need RSVPs.  Please email Karla to let her know if you are coming to either event.

Enrolment and Old Spaghetti Factory Dinner – please RSVP by Monday evening so we can confirm our reservation with the restaurant.  Let Karla know if you will be meeting us there at 7pm, or meeting at 29th Avenue Skytrain at 6:30 to take the train.

CWFF Fundraising Dinner – Families are invited to this dinner to raise money for the Canadian World Friendship Fund.  Please RSVP by January 28 with the number of adults and children who will be attending and indicate your choice of pasta sauce (tomato with meatballs or alfredo).

Camp and Bright Nights – Reminder

Forms for winter camp at Hollyburn and our seasonal outing to the Bright Nights event at Stanley Park are now available on the Forms page. Please bring your forms and payment to an upcoming meeting. Camp forms are due on Dec 2. Bright Nights forms are due on Dec 9.