First meeting of the year!

Our first meeting of the year is Wednesday September 14! Here are a few notes as we prepare for a great Guiding year:

  • Parents and guardians, please plan to stay for the first 30 minutes of the meeting to meet the leaders and other Pathfinders, and to ensure we have all of the forms and paperwork we need!
  • If you didn’t already send Karla an updated Personal Health Form over the summer, please bring the completed form with you to the meeting.
  • Returning Pathfinders, please bring your program books!
  • We’ve already got a lot of greats events and adventures on our program calendar for the fall and winter. Check them out!
    • Please note that if you’d like to attend the Southridge district outing to Camp Jubilee on October 15, forms and payment are due at our first meeting.
    • If you’d like to attend the MEC Club Night with a friend or family member for gear training and great discounts, RSVP online by September 7.

Uniform Exchange

Burnaby Mountain District is hosting a uniform exchange on September 10.  This event would be perfect for Pathfinders moving up from Guides– sell your old Guide shirt and find a new-to-you Pathfinder one.  Returning Pathfinders might also consider attending, especially if your shirt doesn’t fit quite as well as it used to!  The 9th Pathfinders will not be attending as a unit, so make your own arrangements with your family or a friend.  See poster for more information.

Uniform Exchange Poster

Hands Across the Border

For those that are attending HAtB this Sunday – the bus is leaving at 9:00 am sharp so please arrive at Van Horne Elementary (5855 Ontario St) no later than 8:45 am. We’re buddying up with the 74th Guides, so look for their leaders! Don’t forget a lunch, your traders, and to dress for the weather as you’ll be outside all day!

POSTPONED: Cheakamus Lake Backpacking Trip

Due to busy school schedules, we’re postponing the Cheakamus Lake trip until October.

On June 8th, we’re having an international feast (please bring a snack or dish to share, plus a bit of it’s cultural history or importance to you) and language lessons to finish up our Around the World at Home unit! We’ve also got a very special guest popping by to say hello (hint hint), so be sure to attend!

Cheakamus Lake Backpacking Trip and Hands Across the Border

We’re going on a backpacking adventure to Cheakamus Lake on June 4-5! Check out the Forms and Information here. Forms and payment of $50 are due no later than Wednesday June 1.

Hands Across the Border (Sunday June 12) forms are also available now. Forms and payment of $25 are also due no later than June 1.

Forms and payment for the Southridge District outing to Camp Jubilee are due no later than June 8 2016. Please note that you need to be continuing in Guiding next year (either Pathfinders or Rangers) to participate.

“Spring Fever” Play at Killarney Secondary

On Wednesday May 18, We’re going to see the “Spring Fever” play at Killarney Secondary School! We’re meeting at 6:30 underneath the “Killarney Cougars” sign at 49th and Killarney. We only have a limited number of tickets for the group, so if you plan on attending and have not reserved a ticket by bringing $8 last week, please e-mail Jenna to confirm your space note the early start (6:30 pm) and late end times (9:00 pm). More information about the event is available in the Calendar.

Register Online for the 2016/2017 Pathfinder Year

Online registration is now open for all current girl members. We are excited that so many girls are looking forward to the new Guiding year as demonstrated by the high number of registrations within the first few hours on our launch days. We thank you for your patience and understanding if you experienced technical difficulties due to the high volume, and for your efforts in assisting parents who may have experienced difficulties.

Beginning May 30 in Ontario and June 1 in all other provinces at 10 a.m. EDT, online registration opens to new girls and continues for returning girls.

During this period, new girls can register and returning girl members can continue to register.

Upcoming events and activities

We’ve got lots of fun events and activities coming up! We’re planning a camping trip to Cheakamus Lake in June, preparing for Hands Across the Border, and 3rd year Guides visiting to share in our HAtB prep and learn about Pathfinders! Check out the Calendar for all of the details, and to find out what’s happening each week!

Forms for Hands Across the Border are due June 1. Also, don’t forget to RSVP for the Pathfinder Summit by May 11!