Nov 23: Fall (Gold!) Camp Fun and Holiday Crafts

For those interested in coming to Camp Olave for a fun fall camp, forms and payment are due on Wednesday November 23. The Camp Olave Kit List is also posted now.

Olave Gold Campers (HTL, RP, HW), please meet Karla at Champlain Square to do the camp grocery shopping at 7:15 pm.

All other Pathfinders, meet at the church for an evening of fall camp prep and holiday fun.

Bring your program books, and any donations for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre – our seasonal holiday service project!

Winter wonderlands – updates for Nov 16 meeting!

It’s all about winter this week!

We’re preparing for Snow Camp with a fun evening of games, activities, and team building in preparation for our January camp at Mount Seymour. This meeting is mandatory for Pathfinders and friends that have signed up to attend camp in January as we’ll be covering some very important safety, packing, and planning information. Not sure if you can make it to camp or want more information before deciding whether to attend? Come tonight to learn more!

Forms and payment for our holiday outing to the Enchant: Holiday Light Maze (in lieu of Stanley Park Christmas Train) are due tonight. We’re also heading to Camp Olave soon, so RSVP as soon as possible for that great weekend (forms and payment due no later than Nov 23).

Lastly, we’re supporting the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre this holiday season. Bring items from their holiday wish list for the care packages we’ll be delivering later this month.


This week, we’re celebrating our first year Pathfinders’ official kick-off to their Pathfinder journey with an enrolment pizza party! Come in uniform as this is a special, ceremonial event.

Following enrolment, 3rd years using our trip to Camp Olave in November as their gold camp will have some time to continue camp planning.

Also, sign up any time for our upcoming events. Most importantly, forms and payment our outing to the Stanley Park Christmas Train on December 7 are due no later than November 16 as we have to buy tickets in advance, so don’t miss out!

Updates, events and adventures!

Wowee – there’s a lot to look forward to!  Check out the Calendar and Forms pages for more information about the following great upcoming events:

Also, at our upcoming meeting, we’ll be planning enrolment (1st years!), Camp Olave gold camp (3rd years completing their Canada Cord!), and our holiday service project. If you have any ideas for a holiday community service project, please bring them! Remember, as Girl Guides we aren’t able to raise money for an organization, but we can do donation drives. Some things on our mind include: the Covenant House Christmas Backpack campaign, or preparing kits for Downtown Eastside Women Centre or Days for Girls.

Be sure to bring your program book! Also, cookie money is due November 9th.

Chocolatey-Mint Cookie Selling – October 19

Click the image to be redirected to the sign-up page!
Click the image to be redirected to the sign-up page!

On October 19, we’re cookie selling at the Broadway-City Hall Canada Line station! As we’ve got a large group, we’re asking Pathfinders to sign up for a shift – either 4:00-5:30 pm or 5:30-7:00 pm.

Uniforms are a must at this public event.

Click the image above to be redirected to the online sign-up form.

Two special outings, and lots of cool stuff on the calendar!

For the next two meetings, we’re out and about in the community!  Please note next week’s meeting is on Tuesday Oct 11 (no meeting on Wednesday night). We’re joining the 6th Pathfinders for a presentation about a Southridge Ranger’s recent GGC international trip to Peru!

On Wednesday Oct 19, we’re selling cookies at Broadway-City Hall Canada Line station! Note the early start and end times. There will be two cookie selling shifts to sign up for – 4:00-5:30 pm, and 5:30 – 7:00 pm. Stay tuned for more info about how to sign up!

Also, we’ve added lots of event info and permissions forms for some great upcoming events to the website, including Snow Camp at Mount Seymour Provincial Park, and a First Aid course with St John’s Ambulance. Check out the Calendar for more information!

“We are what we eat” and cookie update

We’re starting the “We are what we eat” module this week with a few tasty treats, so be sure to bring your program book and a hair tie!

Also, October 5 is the last chance to pick up a case of cookies to sell on your own. Remember, a portion of your sales go into your personal “cookie cash” fund for special events and outings!

Chocolatey-Mint Cookies are here!

It’s that time again! Chocolatey-mint cookies are here! Cookies sales start on Sunday September 25. Cookies are $5 per box. Remember, a portion of every case of cookies you sell goes towards your personal fundraising goals!

If you would like to pick up additional cases of cookies at our next meeting, please e-mail Karla before 5:00 pm on Tuesday.

More information to come on a public sales date in October!

Planning Meeting

This is an important meeting, as we’ll be spending our time together planning the activities we’ll be doing together for the next few months and into next year. Remember to bring your program books, as well as a few ideas for the following categories:

  1. Community service project
  2. Camping/outdoor activity (be specific, what kind of camping?)
  3. Local outing
  4. Program work


  • Forms for the October 2nd Bowen Island Outing are now available
  • Mint chocolate cookies are being distributed.  They will be available at the end of the meeting.
  • Dues for the 2016/2017 Pathfinder year are $50, and can be paid in full this month or in two instalments of $25 (one now, one in January). Dues help cover the cost of program supplies, craft materials, pins and badges, and more! Please let a leader know if you have any questions about dues.