Garibaldi Lake Backpacking Trip with WCA Trex

Interested in going backpacking this summer? Check out this great opportunity to go on a trip with the 2nd WCA Trex Group!
Date: August 13 (morning departure) to 15 (afternoon return), 2017
Contact Guider: Belinda Li, 2ndwcatrex@gmail.com778-874-0750
Approximate cost: $100
Description: The 2nd West Coast Area Trex are planning a backpacking trip to Garibaldi Lake and have a few spots available for Pathfinders or Rangers from other units to join. We will be hiking to Garibaldi Lake to camp for 2 nights, carrying all of the gear and food in backpacks. The trail is 9.5 km to Garibaldi Lake with 850 m elevation gain. This is a well-graded and maintained trail. On the second day, we will do a day hike to Panorama Ridge, which is about 12 km round trip with 630 m elevation gain from Garibaldi Lake. The unit will provide group camping equipment (tents, cooking equipment, safety supplies). Girls will need to bring their own personal gear (e.g. backpack, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, clothes). There are backpacks available to borrow from the Area.
Camp preparation: Girls are expected to help prepare for camp. We will have one camp planning meeting and one practice hike based on the schedule of participants and Guiders. The camp planning meeting will take place on a week night, before the end of the school year. The practice hike will be on a weekend day. Alternative arrangements can be made if there are schedule conflicts.
How to sign up: Email Belinda Li directly with your contact information, as well as general availability for the two pre-camp events.

Yoga, Cookie Money, and Camp!

On Wednesday May 17, we’re doing yoga with Girlvana yoga! Come in comfy clothes, and bring a yoga mat if you have one.

Also, cookie money is due on May 17. Please let a Guider know if you have having trouble selling cookies.

For those that have not yet participated in cookies selling (MCB, HW), we will be making a plan to sell the remaining unit cookies. Remember, cookie selling is mandatory if you are working on your Canada Cord.

If you’re planning on coming to summer camp, please bring your forms and payment as they are due today! Remember, you can use cookie cash towards camp!

Lastly, on June 3, we’re heading to Steveston to check out the Gulf of Georgia Cannery! This outing counts towards your Citizenship Certificate, which is a requirement for your Canada Cord. Bring a bagged lunch, and come dressed for the weather. We’ll have ice cream on the dock after we visit the cannery. There is no cost to attend, but you must bring your signed form back by May 31 2017!

Cookie selling and City Hall surprise!

We’re selling cookies at Broadway-City Hall Skytrain Station from 4 – 7 pm tomorrow (note the early start!!) This cookie sales date is mandatory for any 3rd years completing their Canada Cord, and any Pathfinders that have not yet participated in spring cookie selling.

Drop off / meeting is 4:00 pm at the Skytrain Station. We will be cookie selling for two hours.

The cookie sales will be followed by a surprise at City Hall. Pick up will be from the front doors of City Hall (453 W 12th Ave), on the south side of the building, at 7:00 pm.

Bring your camp forms and payment if you’d like to attend summer camp at Camp Olave!

3rd Years: Come meet the Salish Rangers at our Laser Tag Pizza Party

3rd Year Pathfinders – ESPECIALLY those needing some bridging / Beyond Pathfinders modules for their Canada Cords!!  This invitation is from the Salish Rangers:

You’re invited to meet the Salish Rangers at our Laser Tag Pizza Party. We will play two games of Laser Tag together and then we will have a pizza party!

  • When: Monday, May 8th from 6pm – 9pm

  • Where: Planet Lazer at 14380 Triangle Road, Richmond.

  • Why: A bridging event to learn about Rangers and have some fun.

  • Wear: Your uniform or a Girl Guide Tshirt and shoes appropriate for running.

See SG.1 for more info as well.

How to RSVP: Forms are due Monday, May 1st. Please submit your completed permission form (SG.2), health form (H.1) and $10 cheque payable to “Salish Rangers – Girl Guides of Canada” by mail or in person to our Guider Crystal at 215-1675 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V6J 2A2. If you wish to drop off forms in person please email Crystal at to arrange a convenient time.

About the Salish Rangers:

We meet every second Monday from 7:30 – 9pm during the school year and go camping 3-4 times a year.

Our meetings usually take place in the Shaughnessy/Kerrisdale neighbourhood; we often meet at St. Stephen’s United Church at 7025 Granville St.

As Rangers, we are the oldest youth members of Girl Guides of Canada (ages 15 – 18) and the Ranger program focuses on leadership and community involvement.

Sample Ranger activities include:

  • Exploring career options and learning how to write a great resume

  • Learning about budgeting for living away from home

  • Leading discussions about mental health, body image and the media

  • Planning a weekend camp

  • Volunteering as a Girl Assistant with younger girls

  • Connecting with the wider world through international travel and global development projects

  • Furthering our education through Girl Guides of Canada scholarships

Yeah Cookies! A major portion of the cost of this event is being paid by the Salish Rangers using cookie profits

This week: Fun & Programs, Cookies, and 2017-2018 Registration

This week, we are chilling out, making a delicious treat and planning our final service project of the year!

Would you like another case or two of spring cookies to sell? Please contact Karla. More cookies will be available for pick-up at Wednesdays’ meeting. Remember, proceeds from individual cookie sales go into your Cookie Cash account and can be used for camps and activities, including our summer camp at Camp Olave, Holidaze and SOAR!

Registration for girls returning to the 9th Pathfinders next year is open now! Register online at to ensure your spot in the unit for the 2017/2018 Guiding year.


External Opportunity: DigiGirlz – April 19th, 6 – 8 pm

Microsoft is inviting girls ages 14–18 to explore the importance of computer science and how it can enhance the things they already love to do. Attendees will learn what it’s like to work in the tech industry and how to turn their passion into a rewarding career in technology, to be creative, solve big problems, explore possibilities, create something new, and be inspired.

The first hour of the Workshop features inspiring presentations from women who are creating, building, coding, leading, and knocking down barriers in the world of high-tech to #MakeWhatsNext.

During the second hour, the girls will get hands-on experience in our Hour of Code session, which includes learning coding fundamentals. They will have learned computer science is a great way to express ideas and can be a rewarding career.

Workshop Location: Microsoft Store – Pacific Centre, 701 W Georgia, Vancouver

For more information, contact Renee at

What are your questions for UBC Women’s Health?

The awesome ladies of UBC’s Women’s Health unit are paying us a visit on April 12th. They’ve asked us to let them know what issues and topics are of interest to our group.

What do you want to learn more about? Healthy relationships and consent? Getting to know our menstrual cycles? How we can take better care of our bodies? Let us know what you’re curious about by submitting your questions using this form – all answers are anonymous, and all questions are welcome!

Please send us your questions via the form by April 5th – thanks!

Form link:

Also, registration for girls returning to the 9th Pathfinders next year is open now! Register online at to ensure your spot in the unit for the 2017/2018 Guiding year.

CANOEING CANCELLED and sign up for cookie selling!

Canoeing with Ridge Wilderness, which was planned for Saturday April 1, has been cancelled due to low registration. For those that signed up, your $10 will be applied to a future event.

On April 5, we’re selling cookies at Broadway-City Hall Skytrain Station from 4:30 – 7:30 pm. Please sign up for one of two cookie selling shifts, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm or 6:00 – 7:30 pm. We will meet in front of the Skytrain station. Please arrive five minute before your shift, and come in uniform.

Camp Holidaze – register now!

Holidaze, West Coast Area Girl Guides’ annual summer camp at Camp Olave in Sechelt, BC, is taking place August 19 – 26. Pathfinders attend Holidaze as councillors-in-training (1st years) and councillors (2nd and 3rd years). It’s a tonne of fun, and great opportunity to learn leadership skills and meet girls from around the West Coast Area. Councillor and CIT positions fill up fast, so if you’re interested in attending, sign up as soon as possible. More information is available on the Holidaze website:

Note: this is not a unit camp. You must apply independently if you’d like to attend. Please speak to a leader about campership opportunities.

Cookies, Canoeing, and Spring Meetings!

Our next meeting on March 29 is a special trip to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank! Remember to come in uniform, bring an item to donate, and bring a signed Volunteering Form if you haven’t already returned one. Note the early meeting time of 6:00 pm.

Cookies are here!  We will bring some for distribution to our visit to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank on March 29, and to cookie selling at Broadway-City Hall Skytrain Station on April 5. If you would like personal cases sooner than that, please contact Karla to make arrangements.

On April 1, we’re going canoeing with Ridge Wilderness. This is a fun and affordable way to learn some canoeing skills (that count towards your Canada Cord!), get outside, and have fun! See the event post for more details. You can still sign up by March 29.

Check out the Calendar for full details!