Updates – Feb 21 Meeting

This week we’re hosting our amazing karaoke fundraising evening for the Canadian World Friendship Fund!  This event is being hosted by our unit for friends and others. Below are the items you’ve all signed up to bring – please remember to bring the following:
  • Treats to sell at the concession: K.C., N.T., M.M., E.S., A.D., O.L., S.R., A.M.
  • Selfie Station Booth Costumes: E.S., A.R., S.R., J.P.
  • Karaoke Machine and Microphones: M.L.
  • Extension Cord: K.C.
  • Facepaint and Facepaint books: A.D., E.S.

Also, bring a few $$s for the concession, coin toss, and crest, and bring your guests + tickets and ticket sales money!

Please arrive no later than 6:15 pm to set up for the 7:00 pm party start.  The party ends at 9:00 pm, so pick-up no earlier than 9:15 pm.

Lastly, tonight is the last chance to bring your forms and payment back for the CWFF bowl-a-thon this coming Sunday at Old Orchard Lanes. Also, keen to do the kayaking course with EcoMarine Paddlesport in June? The forms and information are available now! Bring them back any time!

Snowshoeing on Sunday

We are heading to Mount Seymour this Sunday for a fun hike on the Dog Mountain Trail!  We will meet at the trailhead at 9:00 am, pickup is at 2:00 pm.  It looks like it will be sunny but chilly, so dress appropriately.

Don’t forget

  • layered clothing, including hat and mittens/gloves
  • snowshoes (if you are bringing your own)
  • lunch
  • 2L water
  • mug for hot chocolate

Kayaking Course with EcoMarine Paddlesport – June 2-3 2018

We’re doing an amazing kayaking training course with EcoMarine Adventures!

Over this two-day course, you will learn the essential kayaking skills needed for a great water-sport adventure. On the water we focus on skills such as boat handling, launching, landing and balancing. Once comfortable in the kayak you will learn how to safely exit your kayak in the event of a capsize, how to get back in with the help of a partner and how to get back in on your own. You will earn the Paddle Canada Basic Kayak certification upon completion.

Please complete the forms below and return with payment to a Unit Guider no later than May 2, 2018.  Payment can be made in two instalments of $50 payable by May 2, and remainder payable May 30 (you can use Spring cookie cash, too!).

More information, including what to bring, is available in the Event Calendar posting.

By completing this course, you will complete the following modules: Out on the Trails #3 (kayak training), Outdoor Know How #8 (water safety), and Outdoor Know How #9 (weather forecasting).

Meeting Updates – Feb 7

We’re learning all about planning a trip to the outdoors – especially in the winter – in preparation for our snowshoe outing to Dog Mountain on Feb 18! If you haven’t brought back forms and payment yet for the snowshoe event or the CWFF bowl-a-thon on Feb 25, please bring them tonight.

We’ll be covering off:

Winter Wonderland #4 – layering

Survivor Girl #5 – prepare for the woods

Survivor Girl #6 – route planning

Outdoor Know How #1 – plan a trip away from civilization

Plus…. a camp planning budgeting exercise in preparation for our camp in May!

These activities all count towards your Canada Cord!

We’ll also be handing out the Karaoke Fundraiser tickets tonight!

Provincial Camping Opportunity: ROAM 2018 – Follow The Gold Rush Trail

July 5-15, 2018

The BC Camping Committee has extended applications to fill ROAM – Follow the Gold Rush Trail this summer.

Murder, mayhem and mystery were all part of BC’s gold rush. Come explore the beautifully scenic gold rush trail, from New Westminster to Barkerville, with your sisters in Guiding. Everyone will gather at Richmond Guide House to begin our exploration of the adventure of the gold rush. We will travel to the original capital of BC and then head north following the trail used by gold seekers, over 100 years ago, through the Caribou region. The possible activities are endless, including visits to museums, cultural and heritage sites, and walking tours. We will have plenty of opportunity to enjoy outdoor adventures, such as white water rafting and horseback riding, in between our geocaching and having fun. Be sure to pack your camera, as this trip will be filled with great Kodak moments.

If you are a registered Pathfinder at the date of the camp, these opportunities could be yours. Join 12 Pathfinders for a 10-night travelling tour, exploring the Gold Rush Trail. Check out the attached information sheet on how to apply for this exciting experience, to develop new friendships and make memories that will last a life time.


All completed application forms are to be returned via email to fedelej@bc-girlguides.org, or by hardcopy to the Provincial office by February 15th, 2018.

If you need more information about this event, please contact Jeannie Crivea (Co-Responsible Guider) camping.events@bc-girlguides.org.

Girl Guides of Canada – BC Council
Attn: ROAM – Follow the Gold Rush Trail
1476 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6H 1E1

Independent Opportunity: Thinking Day at Provincial Guide House

Working on your Canada Cord? Don’t miss out on this great independent opportunity to learn about the history of Guiding, and about international travel opportunities with Girl Guides! Bring a family members, or a friend! We won’t be attending this as a unit, but we encourage you to check it out and report back at bowling on Sunday!

Provincial Guide House, 1476 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6H 1E1

RSVP by February 11. Space is limited! Call 604-714-6636 ext. 121.


WHO: All adult members and their units, girls and their families.

WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 10AM – 12PM

WHAT: A variety of sessions including crafts, games, photo booth, archival displays, and the opportunity to meet international travellers. A light snack will also be provided.


WHO: All girl and Adult members Pathfinder aged and older.

WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 12:30PM – 2:30PM

WHAT: A sit down tea with an international presentation

In light of the theme for 2018, “When we shine: she can be everything she wants to be”, we ask that attendees bring new or gently used books

Food Bank Outing – January 31!

Next week, we’re heading to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank to sort food at the warehouse and learn about food security in Metro Vancouver! This event is part of our efforts towards the National Action on Poverty. We’re meeting at the Food Bank (1150 Raymur Ave) at 5:45 pm. Pick-up is 8:00 pm. Note the earlier start and end times! Bring the completed Food Bank Volunteering Form and one or two items from the GVFB’s most wanted list below with you!!

The GVFB is on the lookout for the following high protein, whole grain, lower sodium (salt), lower sugar items:

  • Canned fish, chicken or turkey
  • Canned black beans, chickpeas, and kidney beans
  • Dried Lentils
  • Nuts and/or seeds
  • Natural Peanut butter
  • Brown rice, barley and whole wheat pasta
  • Powdered skim milk
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Hearty stews with 10g or more protein

Please note, due to health and safety issues we are not able to accept the following items:

  • Homemade items
  • Expired food
  • Products containing alcohol
  • Open packages of food

Meeting Updates – January 24

We’ve got our last karaoke fundraiser planning session tomorrow! Here’s what we need to accomplish tomorrow to be able to host our amazing event for Thinking Day/ CWFF:
1. Date: Finalize Feb 21 or Feb 23 (bring your availability!)
2. Tickets: figure out price, design, how will we sell them
3. Email invite: draft a email to invite other girls
4. Finalize budget: prices for concession stand
5. Roles: Who will be baking different treats for the concession stand? Who is going to volunteer for each booth?
6. Crest: Design it!
7. Other things to discuss: raffle tickets, CWFF booth, equipment, hashtag, flyers
We already have a great event plan, food list, activities plan, supply list, and marketing plan.
Remember, this event planning is mandatory for your Canada Cord!
Please bring your CWFF bowl-a-thon and Snowshoeing forms and payment, if you’d like to attend those events in February!

Meeting and Event Updates

Bad news – we aren’t able to go the West Coast Area International event at the end of this month. It was so popular that it was sold out well in advance!

Good news – we’re going snowshoeing on February 18! Check out the forms and event information for more details. Snowshoeing is $10 if you need snowshoes. If you have your own snowshoes, it’s free!

Snowshoeing forms and payment are due no later than February 7 2018.

For those that signed up for the WCA International event, your $15 can be applied to this event, an upcoming Pathfinder event, or refunded.

Stay tuned for updates and reminders for our next meeting on January 24!

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! We’re very excited to see everyone on Wednesday January 10 for our first meeting of 2018. This Wednesday, we’ll be working on a few big projects, including setting goals and intentions for the second half of the Guiding year; finalizing our plans for group service projects; starting plans for Spring camp (which will be Gold camp for third years!); and talking about some water fun adventures.

Remember, the service projects and Gold camp are mandatory if you’re working on your Canada Cord, so be sure to attend this meeting!

Also, please bring back forms and payment for our first two fun activities of 2018 – the West Coast Area International Extravaganza on January 28, and the Thinking Day CWFF Bowling Fundraiser on February 25. Forms and more information are available on the Forms page.