Independent Opportunity: West Coast Area Camp Skills Day

Camp Skills Day – Sat Apr 20, 2019 from 10 am to 4 pm

Pathfinders are invited to attend the Camp Skills Day event on April 20! We are not attending as a unit, but you can go on your own or with some Pathfinder friends!

Come out and learn intermediate to wilderness camp skills depending on your branch. The sessions will be interactive, hands-on, and lots of fun! Each participant will receive a crest and be provided with morning/afternoon snacks and lunch.

If you would like to participate, please bring forms and payment to our cookie selling event on April 10.

Who: Guides to Rangers

Where: Fisher Picnic Shelter, Deas Island

Cost: $10 per participant (or use your cookie cash!)

FormsSG1 /  SG2

Registration: Please register as an individual by completing the Online Registration Form

Deadline: The deadline to bring back forms and payment to a unit guider is April 10 2019

April 3 Meeting – Managing Stress

As we return to school from Spring Break and everything starts to get busy again, we will spend this meeting exploring ways to manage stress and relax.

If you have a journal you like to write in please bring it along as we will be doing some writing activities. Also, if you have a colouring book or other relaxing craft that you enjoy feel free to bring that as well.

Please enter through the downstairs patio doors as the church is having a service upstairs. Also, cookies will be available for pickup from 8:15 onwards, plan to take your cases today if you haven’t already got them!

Spring cookies are here!

Cookie sales in Canada start on March 18.

Since we don’t have a unit meeting again until April 3, Karla has identified a few times that you could come pick up your two cases of cookies over Spring Break. If you’d like to get a jump on your cookie selling, you’re welcome to come by. 

Sign up for a pick up time on March 17, 23 and 26 using this online sign-up tool. If you prefer to wait until our meeting on April 3 to pick up your cookies, you can note that there, too.

Karla will email everyone with her address.

Outing: Skating at Hillcrest and some important updates

On Wednesday, March 13 we will be heading to Hillcrest Community Centre to skate!
We will meet at the ice rink at Hillcrest Community Centre (4575 Clancy Loranger Way) at 6:00 pm. Pick up will be at 8 pm. 

We’ll be there for two skating events: The Family Fun Hockey from 6 – 6:45 and then the Family Skate from 6:45 – 7:30. We’ll visit the cafe after before your parents pick you up.

For the hockey section, they only allow plastic sticks and pucks, which are provided. Helmets and gloves are required.

Things to bring:

– Skates, helmet and gloves (if you have them)

– Money for admission, rentals and snacks after ($15-20)

– Warm clothes – best to layer in case you get too hot

– Your Pathfinder scarf

Rink fees for the Family Fun Hockey are $6.10, which will also include staying for the Family Skate. Skate rentals are $3.08 each.

Learn more at: 

Also, spring cookies are being delivered this Saturday March 16. Cookies sales start Monday March 18. Karla will be sending out an email with pickup options for Spring Break. Stay tuned!

Lastly, save the date – registration for girls returning to the same unit next Guiding year starts Monday April 15.

Outing: Greater Vancouver Food Bank

This week, we are heading to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank for our annual volunteer food sorting evening! Pick up and drop off is from the GVFB.

Note the early start time of 5:45 pm and pick up of 8 pm. Uniforms are mandatory for this outing.

Please also bring the Volunteering Consent Form with you.

If you arrive late, please text or call Karla at 604 720 7922 for entry as the door will be locked after 5 pm.

Please also bring one or more food items to donate, if you can! GVFB’s most needed items include canned proteins such as tuna, salmon, chicken or turkey; whole grain pastas; brown rice; and canned beans including black beans, chick peas and kidney beans.

“Canada at your Doorstep” Meeting

We’ve got our 4th and final 3rd-year-led meeting tonight! We’ll be learning about Canada in fun, interactive ways, and enjoying some time together as we work on our Canada Cord requirements.

If you have any camping gear left from Snow Camp, please bring it back tonight!

Also, reminder that next Wednesday we are heading to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank for our annual volunteer food sorting evening! Note the early start time of 5:45 pm. Reminder that you also need to bring the Volunteering Consent Form with you tonight, or next week when we meet at GVFB. Please also bring one or more food items to donate, if you can!

Arts workshop tonight!

Hoping everyone had a nice snow day yesterday!

We have a girl-led arts workshop tonight, which will be a lot of fun.

Please also remember to bring back any camping gear you still have out from Snow Camp.

Lastly, dates for spring/summer camp are now on the website – please “save the date” for May 31 – June 2! More info to come!

First Aid, Camping Gear, Bottle Drive and More

What a weekend at Snow Camp! We hope everyone is rested up after a very fun and chilly time in the snow. We’ve got a fun girl-led program meeting happening tomorrow and will be enjoying fun time with friends, plus some tasty treats.

Please remember to bring any borrowed gear – washed, dried, and repacked – to tomorrow’s meeting.

Also, reminder that forms and information about LifeSaver First Aid, which we’re doing as a group on April 10, are available on the website now.

Lastly, one of our Pathfinders has been selected to participate in a national-level trip to Newfoundland and Labrador in the summer, and is hosting a bottle drive on the weekend to raise funds for the trip! If you have any refundable beverage containers, please bring them along for her tomorrow night.