Murtle Lake 2018 July 14-21, 2018
Murtle Lake is world-famous as the largest canoe-only lake in North America. Come explore this beautiful lake set in a pristine mountain valley with us on a week-long canoe trip, where you get to develop your paddling technique, learn wilderness camping skills, and enjoy the tranquility of the lake.
If you were born in 2003-2005, you could join your sisters in Guiding to on this fabulous canoe trip. Check out the attached information sheet on how to apply for this exciting experience to develop new friendships and make memories that will last a life time.
All completed application forms are to be returned to the following address by January 10, 2018.
Girl Guides of Canada – BC Council
ATTN – Pathfinder Paddles: Murtle Lake Trip 2018
1476 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 1E1
This is also reminder that the BC Camping Committee will be hosting an informational webinar November 30th at 8:00pm about the Pathfinder Paddles Murtle Lake trip. Information will be presented on the trip itself, how to apply and any questions that the girls may have. To join the session, please CLICK HERE.
If you need any additional information about this event, please contact Erin DeBruin,